"My first WWIN gathering - therefore I can only rate against my expectations. Exceeded my expectations in terms of content, organization, networking opportunities and general good
will. And I had pretty substantial expectations. Oh and bonus - plenty of laughter and wit.
Time well spent. Thank you".
"WWIN did very well by a lot of people. It was vibrant and exciting. You made my day. I felt very comfortable there. There was a good dynamic. Sometimes, networking groups can fell very different: they are stilted and scripted with everybody trying to sell you. WWIN was amazingly different. Hats off to you"
"I come for inspiration and connection, and WWIN always delivers!"
"WWIN is unique. Something special happens there that I don't find anywhere else".
"I got more out of this meeting than six months of therapy"
"I am so glad that I found you. This is exactly what I needed"
"The speaker was fabulous"
"I was very impressed by the energy level and commitment of the group members!"
"Very enriching"
"Great speakers and topics and educational breakout sessions"
· "Thank you for all the ways you bring us together!"
I have been attending the WWIN monthly networking meetings for 3+ years. The WWIN meetings are always top priority on my calendar! Dianne does a great job of identifying engaging and inspiring speakers. She plans creative and fun get-to-know-one-another introductions and brainstorming activities. Dianne is always thinking of ways to connect people with one another, and to connect them with available local and/or community resources. Over the years, I have met so many inspiring and collaborative professional women at the WWIN meetings. Many of these women are now business colleagues and, in some cases, dear friends. Barbara Kreitner West Hartford, CT
"Thank you for running such a wonderful networking meeting, where lots of positive energy was found. I look forward to attending again".
"I enjoyed the people I sat with (and the food I ate). I felt that the idea of a topic to discuss (challenges, etc) made the gathering much more than simply a meal with some other people. It rose to be a truly worthwhile networking session"
Donna Finocchiaro
Love my WWIN group! Monthly gatherings of energetic professional woman looking to expand their knowledge and grow as human beings.
Ladies: send Dianne your testimonials and she will put them on here
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